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As an artist I pursue creativity for my audience to appreciate the value of my work and to educate viewers on the principles of being a well-rounded artist. My artwork takes a critical view of social, political, and cultural issues. Each project often consists of multiple works, often in a range of different ideological approach, grouped around specific themes.


My work is targeted towards product design, corporate design, and advertisement in any form print or digital. I'm socially responsible for sending a message out for my clients to their intended audience. Sparking customers psychologically and using art principle to be able to give them creative and persuasive messages. Using resources that are present around me affects me as an artist taking present trends and finding innovative ways to develop them through design. My art describes who I am as a person, which is someone that's always looking for new ideas and revolutionary changes to contribute to the art world. The more I develop as a person the more my artwork develops with precise design skills. Having and soaking up new knowledge about my craft I will drive my talent to its full capacity to create art not only for me, but also for the world.

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